Profiel van Roberta Roelvink

Workshop - Dear Diary

Workshop Dear Diary:

On thursday 13 october I had a workshop day at my school.

I got in a group with 5 other people, together we had to invent a story where there was a conflict. We had to use Freytag's pyramid.

Book 1:
Book 2:

We made two diary's, one is set in 2014 where most of our group was 12.
The second one is set in this time (2022).
We wanted to show the differences between 12 year olds then and 12 year olds now.

The reason is to show the difference between generations and how down hill it is going.


At some point in the story these two characters meet.
The one that was 12 in 2014 is way older now and get's frustrated to see how 12 year olds are acting nowadays.
The 12 year old of 2022 is irritated that she got lectured by an "old" lady.

This is also a conflict our group has with the parents of this new generation 12 year olds.
Parents are way quicker to give a phone to a child or be less caring about it.

We are also angry at social media's like TikTok and Instagram since they show how the perfect body is and how you need to act to get more followers.


When I was 12, I only thought about playing with my dolls, watching Nickelodeon/DisneyXD, go outside with friends, and I really wasn't interrested in sex.
I focused a lot on school and had discipline. Sports were there to move and I didn't care how I looked like.

In this generation, children already did it at the age of 10, they already smoke and drink, sometimes even do drugs.
What I also noticed is that 12 year olds now are very materialistic instead of enjoying what you have or get. They only think about how they look and have a phone since they could walk.

Point of view:

The 12 year olds of 2022 are very fixated on social media, they already post bikini pics for followers, or do dances on tiktok.
It almost looks like they are more grown up than the generation before them, but not in a good way.

My generation grew up slower, but it knew how the world worked at the age of 18, so when it got adult there wasn't a big shock of adult life.

This generation just thinks you are a grown up if you drink, smoke, look good and have at least 1000 followers on social media.

With this I'm very worried we'll be getting a generation that doesn't know how the real world works.
Also they'll be sorry to not have enjoyed their childhood as a normal child. And the moment they hit 18 the adulthood will be very difficult.


We started with writing down the pages and the differences of our childhoods.
I got coloured paper to show the difference more. Inbetween the diary.
One of us also got with the idea to make one diary white at the front.

Process 2014 diary:
After making the diary's I made a little presentation.

Process 2022 diary:

The workshop was fun to do!
The group I was in was very cosy, we were a good team.
Sometimes we got distracted by telling eachother funny stories, but we managed to finish everything in time!

I'm proud of the results we got. The diary's are funny and shocking at the same time.
I laughed a lot while making these.
Workshop - Dear Diary

Workshop - Dear Diary


Creatieve disciplines