Work In Progress from a personnal project. 
All started from a simple sphere in Zbrush, the texturing not available yet, was done in Mari. The Render will be achieve in Maya using Arnold Renderer.
Render will coming soon, the texturing is already done. More to come soon !
These are my UVs, optimized for Mari UDIM workflow. However the model is keeping separated in many meshes so I can easly get the higher level of details in Zbrush. Keeping my object separated in Subtools prevents me from using the HD Geometry workflow, which can be usefull in other particular cases. The next step is to import the objects back in Zbrush with those clean UVs, this will allow me to creat Displacement Maps, Cavity Maps, Ambiant Occlusion Maps... everything that will help me to texture my object in Mari
This is a preview of my Diffuse Maps. They were painted in Zbrush for the base color. Then with the exported Cavity and Occlusion Maps from Zbrush I get in further details, as adding dirt in the pores in Mari
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This is a personal project done from scratch. All started from a single sphere in Zbrush. More to come !

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