ROOTS, The Art of Spraying Materials

This is a story about a few other stories. The story of Portugal and its mountains, where the silence of the heights abides. The story of hidden professions that keep their art alive on the tip of their wrinkled fingers. The story of a generation who realized that owning it all doesn’t mean that everything can be bought with a credit card. The story of an opportunity that was found like a needle in a haystack, somehow lost in a bunch of wool and wood waste. And the oldest story of them all: the one that tells how the past helped shaping the future.

  When was the last time you’ve created something with your own bare hands? Isn’t it fulfilling to watch something grow from your creativity, from your working hours, from that specific moment when nothing occurred and you had to find a way out? That feeling you get when you’re able to say: ‘I’ve made this’. There’s a quality that turns every purchase into the opposite of an impulsive act - their uniqueness. We want clothes that fit our personalities, objects that feel at home inside our own home, art that lights up a sparkle in our brains. We want to play with new tools, to challenge our minds with no anxiety involved, to fill our heads and time with the luxury of experiences in which we can dive in an absolute mindfulness state of mind. We want to switch off the noise and travel back to that exact silence found in the mountains, where the only sound is the tinkle of the sheep's. We want to go back to our origins and find ourselves again.

  This is how Roots - The art of spraying materials is born, just like a craving, an escape, a new look over something that was always there and never left. Waste transformed into a sustainable spray that helps resurrect almost everything: outdated objects that end up in landfills, wood parings from carpenters’ ateliers, the tenderness in the art of restoring, the imagination as the ultimate boundary for creation. Ah, and of course, here’s the end for every story: they lived happy ever after.
ROOTS, The Art of Spraying Materials
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ROOTS, The Art of Spraying Materials

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