Hello! In this project I want to show the process of creating skins for characters from the Apex Legends Game with the Star Wars theme.

Recently the game Apex Legends added skins that make reference to the famous film franchise Predator. So I thought of creating designs based on another great franchise...

The first step was to choose characters to be used in this project, the first one that came to my mind was Pathfinder, which matches the character C3PO from Star Wars.
First of all I set up a reference board with images of the characters and their inspirations. Afterwards, I located the most striking elements of Pathfinder, those that are always kept regardless of the skin so as not to detract from its character.

Okay, now let's go to the illustration.

Now it's lifeline's turn, the idea was to create a Leia skin for her, which took a lot of references.

The princess's clothes are generally not very detailed and the Apex characters have many minutiae in their design, I mixed their outfits during the franchise to arrive at this result.

The last chosen one was Ash, and of course, Darth Vader. Both are cold and sword-wielding characters. This one took the most work, but I think I got something good.

And that was the end result.

Pathfinder process
Lifeline process
Ash process

Thanks for getting this far. I hope you enjoyed the result as much as I enjoyed making it! Goodbye.
Apex Legends X Star Wars