Raif Vision Conference

Raif Vision Conference®

The video for an online conference about practical digital solutions for large and medium-sized businesses - «Raif Vision».

At the conference, the bank presented its latest and technological financial B2B solutions for shareholders and business owners, top management and IT directors.

We proposed to create a 3D video as broadcast - An abstract macro-world where complex mechanisms are launched thanks to “Raif elements” which build the event Logo. The video demonstrates how the bank's digital products help their customers build their business.

We proposed to create a 3D video as broadcast - An abstract macro-world where complex mechanisms are launched thanks to “Raif elements” which build the event Logo. The video demonstrates how the bank's digital products help their customers build their business.

Raif Vision Conference Loop Interlude

This project is a 3D animated loop, of a new “Raiffasen” bank logo. The video was created for social media publication. The environment is an abstract macro world, also known as broadcast. This style is well suited for the presentation of digital products, as the digital world of the bank is intangible.

Behind the scenes of the user interface, transactions take place, data is exchanged and analytics are collected.

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Raif Vision Conference