Shawn Chang 님의 프로필

文字之聲Voice of Words : Onomatopoeia|展覽主視覺 key visual

Voice of Words : Onomatopoeia


There is the use of onomatopoeia in people’s languages in the world. Different languages reveal distinct definitions of onomatopoeia. Briefly speaking, onomatopoeia is the word simulating sound. Onomatopoeia is simply used for presenting sound, without meaning. Proper application could have the scene description be more real. It could be used for visualizing character’s psychology or emotion that it is often used in comics, poetry, and literature. Starting from creating a text exhibition and taking onomatopoeia as the subject, the contexts of phonemic structure, type, and scenario of onomatopoeia are dismantled and combined with the design of typography in this study, attempting to connect visual modeling and speech to open more design possibilities of typography.

Instructor | Ken-Tsai Lee
Design | Hsiang Chang
Photo | Hsiang Chang
Motion | Ding-Hong Lu

文字之聲Voice of Words : Onomatopoeia|展覽主視覺 key visual

文字之聲Voice of Words : Onomatopoeia|展覽主視覺 key visual


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