Profil appartenant à Lowes Emily

We've received from our communities

Director of the game Ion Hazzikostas tells P2Pah that Blizzard is introducing Exile's Reach to help newcomers experience WoW's latest content more quickly and connect with acquaintances who are already deeper to the experience. This new feature is designed to offer new players an overview of the top features games in WoTLK Gold in 2020, as opposed to forcing players to go through content that's years old.

"Something we've received from our communities, and also from people in our team who tried to get friends or family members into it for the first-time, there's something very daunting regarding 15 years of programming and the sense of knowing that you're going be hopelessly behind. And that it's overwhelming," Hazzikostas said.

WoW is famous for its depth, however this also comes with a drawback with regard to new players. In the current system, the new players are stuck in the game that is in some cases more than a decade old. Exile's Reach is the first game that new players will be able to experience what WoW will be like in 2020 right off the start.

"The similar stuff that can make a difference to players who are already part of the World of Warcraft ecosystem is weak when trying to recruit new players," Hazzikostas said. "So we wanted to really simplify this process and make sure that we're placing our best effort. If you're playing WOW WoTLK Classic Gold for the first time, you're experiencing something which reflects the nature of the game is and has to provide in 2020, as opposed to playing content that is 10-12 years old so you can advance to content that's eight years old, then six years old , and finally four years old."
We've received from our communities
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We've received from our communities

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