Cyber Glitch
Use your parkour skills to traverse through a computer-generated environment as you race against the clock to break out of the game's endless loop.

Team: Group Project (2 Members)
Role: Game & Level Designer, Programmer
Timeline: 3 Days
Tools Used: Unity Engine, Adobe Photoshop, Mixamo, Sketchfab
Platform: PC

Project Goals
1. Follow the game jam theme, "It's not supposed to do that."
2. Engaging player traversal mechanics.
3. Programming an AI system and incorporating IK mechanics.
4. Integrating the idea of a never-ending loop into the game.

Level Design

Core Design Challenges
During the early stages, I came across some level design problems that I had to resolve in order to make a fast-paced FPS parkouring experience. The three main challenges I faced were: 

1. Creating a fast-paced, non-stop experience for the player.
2. Traversal techniques to navigate through the level.
3. Weapons that the player can use to move around.

How did I tackle these challenges? 
1. Leading lines are used to guide players so they don't lose their momentum.
2. Made wall running mechanics to allow for building traversal.​​​​​​​
3. I added a grappling hook for players to jump and reach higher levels.
Top-Down Levels
Level Flow
Environment Design
Game Design

Core Mechanics
1. Traversal
The design's primary goal was to provide the player with a set of movement-related mechanics that allow them to traverse the area. Some of which include: 
1. Wall Running
2. Grappling Hook
3. Vaulting

2. Combat
Combat mechanics mostly revolve around shooting and close-range attacking. The player can punch the AI or hit them with an axe in close range, whereas in long range they can shoot the enemy with a sniper or assault rifle.

The enemy bots attack the player when in range and chase after him. As you reach the higher levels, the AI becomes faster and stronger.

What did I learn?
1. Using the Unity Engine to create a FPS parkour game.
2. Implementing IK mechanics into AI/NPC.
3. Creating a grappling hook mechanic in Unity.

