Michael Campbell's profile

Fruits of the Spirit (in Japanese)

Fruits of the Spirit (in Japanese)
精神の果実 (Seishin no kajitsu)
Love - 愛(Ai)
[苺 • Ichigo (Strawberry)] Strawberries are sweet and being loved and giving love gives off a similar vibe to the taste of sweetness. The bijin-hime (beautiful princess) strawberries are one of the most expensive fruits since they are sweet despite how large they are. In addition, Japan is known for its rare "white-jewel" white strawberries. Japan is famous for its unique fruit and Japan has the rarest variants of strawberries in the world. What better fruit of Japan to represent love, the greatest of the fruits of the spirit, right?
Joy - 喜び (Yoroko-bi)
[葡萄 • Budo] Japan is home to a very variety of grapes called Kyoho grapes, which are very large. Since wine is made from grapes and people often drink wine to celebrate joyous occasions like weddings and birthdays, it seems like the appropriate fruit.
Peace - 平和 (Hei-wa)
[柚子 • Yuzu] Yuzu is not just used for food but also oils are extracted from its skin. The oil has a strong fragrant aroma and some Japanese people even add Yuzu oil to water and bathe in it, usually as a winter solstice tradition. A fragrant bath gives off a peaceful vibe, so it seems like a natural association. In addition, olives are used to make oil, and olives are associated with peace in western Mediterranean culture as well the culture of the biblical authors. Yuzu can be seen as a Japanese equivalent since it produces oil and its uses evoke a sense of peacefulness.
Patience - 寛容 (Kan-you) 
[柿子 • Kaki (Persimmon)] Kaki (Persimmon) will taste sweet, mild, and “honey-like” when ripe. However, an unripe persimmon is bitter and astringent, and the high amount of tannins will make your mouth pucker and go dry. Waiting for it to ripen is best and waiting requires patience.
Kindness - 親切 (Shin-setsu)
[桃 • Momo (Peach)] Momos (Peaches) are sweet and if being kind were a taste I imagine it would be sweet like peaches because both sweetness and kindness can produce the same feeling. 
Goodness - 善意 (Zen'i)
[梨 • Nashi (Pear)] A Nashi is a Japanese Pear. It has a crisp and sweet taste like an apple and its juiciness makes it a thirst quencher. What better fruit can embody the feeling of goodness?  
Faithfulness- 誠実 (Sei-jitsu)
[夕張 • Yubari King (Melon)] The Yubari King melon is one of the world's most expensive fruits, so it makes sense to have it represent faithfulness. Faithfulness is synonymous with trustworthiness and being trustworthy is expensive. Someone who is trustworthy has to be faithful to their promises even if it cost them. The sacrifice is worth it because trust is hard to gain but easy to lose, which makes it so expensive.
Gentleness/Meekness - 柔和 (Nyu-wa)
[金柑 • Kinkan (Kumquat)] Kinkan is the Japanese name for Kumquat. Kumquats have a sweet peel but a sour/tangy flesh. Gentleness (or meekness) is an act of humility that is usually required to follow Jesus' command to "love your enemies". It can be perceived by many as being a form of weakness because wouldn't promote immediate retribution for wrongdoing but instead show mercy. Since this fruit has a bittersweet aspect to it, Kinkan can represent both aspects of gentleness. The outer peel is sweet to others towards a person operating in meekness. Meanwhile, the sour/tangy insides represent the feeling of the one engaging in meekness because they must take the sting of persecution without responding on the same level. 
Self-Control - 自制 (Ji-sei)
[林檎 • Ringo (Apple)] Apples are often associated with good health and healthy eating, there is even a saying, "an apple a day keeps the Doctor away". So it seems just right for something like self-control which is required to maintain good health in a world full of junk food. Also, apples are associated with knowledge (i.e. forbidden knowledge from Genesis 3 in the bible). While the fruit in Genesis 3 is unspecified, in Old English, the word apple was once the generic word for all fruit, so old English translations of the Genesis story called the forbidden fruit a forbidden "apple". The fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a temptation because it was forbidden. Adam and Eve failed at using self-control to resist the serpent's lies, this failure is the reason the world is in a fallen state.
Fruits of the Spirit (in Japanese)

Fruits of the Spirit (in Japanese)
