Perfil de Phoebe Cramp

Professional Life Practice

Professional Life Practice 
Week 1 The Self 

- Shoot a Self-Portrait Image and a Selfie Image. Post these to your Behance workbook. Tell us in a post what the differences are in the two images you have created - what is the difference between a selfie and a self portrait in your opinion?

- Post a reference image or a reference to a photographer to your Behance worbook that has been the inspiration for these images - tell us why and what was the elements you drew from their work.
Week 2 Human Behaviour : 
Street Photography

- Research one classic and one contemporary street photographer - look at the style of the photographer and see if you can understand what lenses or composition was used to achieve the image. 
- Shot one classic image and one contemporary image in the same style. Here again think about composition, lens choice, angle of view, colour or black and white for example as a way to replicate the style of the work you have been reseaching.
- Discuss the differences between the two approaches in your workbook - for example which approach or style best matches the way we live today or the way we represent people in photography?

Artist Reference: Mauro Cocilio 

Classical Street Photography

Artist Reference: Lisette Model 
Week 3: Architecture 
I like Jereon's work because of the minimalist light and airy feel he has in his architecture photography. I also like the way he always involves the negative space giving it purpose by interacting with the buildings outlines.
This was my photo I took taking inspiration from Jereon's style of interesting geometry in contemporary buildings and finding ways to portray the shapes with style 
I like Eugène's work largely based off of the time period he was shooting in. The style of all the buildings were beautiful. I tried to replicate his documentary style take it as it is photos and went to st Paul's cathedral. 
It was the one building in central London that I could think of that was an iconic classical style architecture. I like this photo although its simple I like the vastness of the dome and the symmetry, I chose black and white and harsh shadows to emphasise the details of the bricks. I also artificially edited the shadows the left side of the building to add more dimension. 
Week 4 Built Environment
Week 6: Environment 
This can be interpreted in many ways - political, social, ecological or personal are just some examples of how this title can suggest images that describe a scene or make a point or have an opinion.
For next week's class research one photograph (or photographer) that best sums up your response to this title. Reference them in your workbook and tell us why this is an important image for you.
Make a series of three images that relate to each other as a narrative as well as communicating your response to this week's task title.
These photos were taken on the streets surrounding my house. I live in Colliers Wood and have only been here for 3 months. I've never experienced a place in London with a sense of community, and albeit no where in London feels super safe or is ever guaranteed to be safe, an environment where I feel safe enough to walk home at night. The streets are crowded with homes a lot of which contain families. I went with the moody dark colours of purple and turquoise because they feel mystical to me. For me being comfortable walking around at night especially with my camera in London by myself never happened before I moved here which is like a fantasy for me. I thought I would capture my environment because Im still settling into the bones of Colliers Wood and have been enjoying the neighbourhoods sense of community. At night the streets are peaceful and its really nice being able to walk around and it be quiet and to feel comfort in that quiet. I wanted that feeling to come through in these photographs through the brightness of the moon in contrast to the car lights. 
A lot of Edo Zollo's photography of central London are very high contrast and moody often featuring one person looking very lonely and small in the big city of London. I like this particular photo because I feel like anyone that lives in London can resonate with the dark cold feeling of sometimes feeling lonely in such a big fast paced city. I like the cold toned colours and how the story is often told only by the shadow of the person in his images. His work on central London inspired me to try out night photography something I'm unfamiliar with but ended up really enjoying being able to take darker photos. Edo portrays London not through the glamorous reputation it has amongst tourists but rather shows the reality of the loneliness that vast city brings. 
Week 7: Nature 
Artist reference: Zheng Xiaoqun
Zheng Xiaoqun Is a photographer and editor against wild life crime, here he's photographed ring-tailed lemurs in a Zoo in China. There are only 2000 of them left and are being held in Zoos to encourage re population but their living conditions are cruel and dirty. 
Week 9 : Diary 
Artist Reference Daido Moriyama
I like Diado Moriyama's approach to photography. he said he can't photograph without being in a city and that he likes the all the desires of people in crowds. My day I did my diary shoot on was unfortunately not very busy as it was a cold and miserable day but I wanted to try and emulate the feelings his photos game me especially with the two of my friend I was going about my day with. He is very good at capturing people unnoticed. The way he spoke about how the city is erotic and everyones desires reach out to him show in the dark tone of his photos, some of them are slightly ominous like the photo of the girl and the self portrait of him in the diner. 

I tried to edit my photos in his style of black and white but I didn't end up liking the harsh contrast because it took away from the beautiful mist. The photos I took are arranged in order from the start of my day I took a walk and then headed out with my friend to collect some prints. Then we took the journey home on the tube. it was an unexciting day but I think Diado captures unique moments in everyday life. He talked about only realising the expression of the dog in the video only after he processed the photos. I tried finding moments in my day that emulated how the day felt, there was dread and solemness in the air. 
Professional Life Practice

Professional Life Practice


Sectores creativos