Cinthia Carral's profile

Caseritoo | Brand identity

Caseritoo nace como un hobbie familiar en plena pandemia que luego se fue transformando profesionalmente como un emprendimiento, sus productos inspiran amor y unión, sin salir de lo casero.
La idea es proponer una variedad de postres caseros, en que cada bocado llevarán de tu hogar a tu paladar.
Caseritoo was born as a family hobby in the middle of the pandemic that was later transformed professionally as an enterprise, its products inspire love and union, without leaving the homemade.
The idea is to propose a variety of homemade desserts, in which each bite will take your palate from your home.

El concepto del nombre es "caseritoo", porque es la esencia que transmite la marca luego de anunciar al sacar sus creaciones del horno entonando de manera simpática, dando esa sensación al hogar.

The concept of the name is "caseritoo", because it is the essence that the brand transmits after announcing when taking its creations out of the oven in a friendly way, giving that feeling of home.

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Caseritoo | Brand identity


Caseritoo | Brand identity
