I was born on Bornholm, but France is hidden close to my heart.
My biggest French music icon is Mylene Farmer - for me the best music is she is clearly one of the biggest in my consciousness.
But of course there is also Serge Gainsbourg, and a lot of others if you look further back. One of the best sources of inspiration from France's music scene is the band L'Impératrice. Their universe is absolutely fantastic. It's sensual without being too explicit, and I think that's a great quality. All your senses wake up in a super nice way when you listen to their music. Everything smells, tastes and feels better when they are running in the background. It is super well produced and has its own sound. For me it is the epitome of modern French music!
My favorite restaurant in Paris has to be Le Petit Lutétia. Not so much because of the food, which is certainly excellent, but because of the restaurant's clientele. It is like a small time pocket, frequented by the city's better citizens and cultural elite. Out front, a waiter in uniform stands ready to take over the guests' car keys and find a parking space so they don't have to worry about it. They can simply kiss their friends on the cheek and settle down. The clientele is simply the epitome of the older, well-dressed and beautiful Parisians.
Ala Paolo Sorrentino's film The Great Beauty, which depicts Rome's cultural elite - it's a bit like that film's aesthetic, only in Parisian. I like that part of Paris. People go out a lot regardless of age. It reminds me that life doesn't have to end when you get old one day
My favorite places are the Jardin des Plantes with its botanical garden and beautiful natural history museum. Or the Camille Claudel and Rodin museum.
I come from Bornholm but never really felt I fit in there. So I initially moved to Copenhagen, where I quickly found a community in the creative environment that I didn't have on Bornholm.
In Paris I quickly slipped into the same type of community, but the cool thing about Paris is that people stay when they grow up or want "more" than you can in Copenhagen. It provides a completely different dynamic. The "supervisor" for what you can achieve and implement becomes higher, because the best stay and look inward, instead of looking towards bigger cities
I love Paris


I love Paris

Jeg født på Bornholm, men Frankrig ligger gemt tæt mit hjerte. Mit største franske musikikon er Mylene Farmer – er for mig den bedste musik er h Read More
