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GenreCon Lettehead

GenreCon Letterhead Final Template
When I was interning at the Queensland Writers Centre (QWC), one of the projects I had to design was the GenreCon Letterhead. I was given an image from GenreCon to use in designing their letterhead, which is shown above. It was difficult because they did not have a specific theme or design direction in mind. The letterheads shown above are the final two chosen template after going through few design trial and consultation with QWC graphic designer director.
GenreCon Letterhead Drafts
The above files are the first few posters I designed before consulting with my supervisor to determine which of the seven designed posters has the most potential for improvement. It was fun and challenging to design the poster because I wanted to create something that was not yet on the market. However, it was somewhat difficult because 
the client would want something familiar to them while also being something new to the eye.
These were the final letterhead drafts. As the client requested something more practical and straightforward, there were few design options available to me. As a result, I must create letterheads that are similar to market designs. Because of the amount of information that will be placed on it, the client specifically mentioned that the letterhead requires a lot of whitespaces. After consulting with QWC's CEO and my supervisor, who is also the company's Graphic Designer, they decided on the first two templates from the left in the image above as the final and chosen one for the client to use.

GenreCon Lettehead


GenreCon Lettehead
