Julio Pak 님의 프로필

GameSpot - Senior Producer

During my time at GameSpot, I spent the majority of my tenure as the lead producer of the social media video team, with responsibilities in other areas of video as a senior producer.

While I led the team from 2016 to 2020, followers on Facebook increased from 800,000 to 19.5 million, with video viewership averaging about 30 million views a week.

This was achieved with a large amount of competitive analysis to gauge what's trending in social media, and among our competitors, to build a content calendar to maximize our growth and engagement. With the fickle nature of social media algorithms, we had to be nimble and flexible with our content strategy, oftentimes changing the content of key video features based on what's trending.

Being able to adapt our strategy quickly was possible with an efficient video team. I managed a team of five video producers to meet high output demands (5 to 10 videos per producer per day), while managing their workload, team morale, quality assurance, and social video script writing.
I am a passionate gamer and video editor, and I was blessed enough to channel that energy many times through our social content, which resonated well with our like-minded audience.

Evolution of Chun-Li gained 1.3 million views within its first week of publishing (2018). Videos created on our channel are often produced with less than a day turnaround time to maintain a healthy output of content on social channels. 

Design and format of the video was optimized for social media at the time of its creation. Capturing a viewer's attention in the first few seconds is valuable to a video's performance and success. A 1:1 aspect ratio ensured maximum usage of space on the social feed, and the accompanying text borders are utilized strategically to capture interest & convey information as quickly as possible. Designs were created after analyzing popular trends and the effectiveness of formats seen among competitors.
Our team collaborated closely with the Growth & Engagement team, and we would launch four additional Facebook pages based on audience interests and content themes, i.e. "Who Remembers" (nostalgic content) and "Today I Learned" (informative content). These pages grew exponentially, becoming some of the top Watch Pages on all of Facebook. 

This created a lot of opportunities for sales campaigns and even led to promoting these pages at our E3 booth to build brand awareness and branded content opportunities.
I've also designed and developed motion graphics templates for my team. While creating these templates, I did competitive analysis on motion graphic trends among other social media videos to ensure we were remaining relevant in the space while continuing to capture audience attention quickly.

These designs are still being used by GameSpot's social media team to this day.
A large part of social media video also centers around light-hearted, humorous, and authentic content. In this video, I was able to capitalize on a high trend topic, Pokemon Go, and our epic in-office moment.

The video currently stands at 9.1 million views.
Growing the GameSpot pages also meant tapping into our audience's interests beyond gaming and looking at adjacent audiences. We found that a large portion of our audience also had interests in anime, nostalgia, pop culture, etc., that we were able to leverage on social media. Additionally, we were able to share these insights with our editorial team to help them expand the scope of their coverage on site.

Again, I was fortunate enough to express my love of anime with video editing and script writing. After posting the video, we looked at analytics to calculate whether the time spent producing the video was worth the bandwidth, and decided not only did this content format prove to be successful, but that anime content also performed well on our pages in both engagement and ad revenue.
As a Senior Producer, I also had responsibilities contributing to other platforms, such as YouTube and our website. Using learnings from our social channels, I contributed to content strategy and design input to expand the scope of these channels from what was originally only long-form video.

This video is a side-by-side comparison of a video game and the anime moment that it is reenacting. I edited the footage to line up the moments seamlessly, and formatted side-by-side based on analysis of similar videos on the platform. I also designed the thumbnail to clearly and quickly inform viewers of the video content both visually and through text.

This video currently has 4.3 million views on YouTube.
GameSpot - Senior Producer


GameSpot - Senior Producer
