This isn’t one of those spectator luaus organized by mainlanders. This fictitious business is Native Hawaiian owned and operated and it shows. People travel thousands of miles from all over the world to experience this party in paradise. Many call it the Hawaiian Disney Land (only better).
While Hawaii is so beautiful as to be considered paradise on earth, it is not known for its superior graphic design. Instead of using multiple cheesy fonts, mid-century modern, or the literal rainbows that have become the stereotype here, I decided to go with insanely colorful. I went this route not only because Hawaii would simply not accept a less bright color palette, but also to convey the electrifying excitement of these weekly Luaus.
Every guest is involved right from the start as they are welcomed in with leis and offered fruity drinks from the open bar. Instead of being seated at tables in front of a stage, visitors are lead into a covered green space spotted with high tables, stools, and lounge chairs that opens to the beach. They can smell the Kalua pig roasting near an outcropping where a big, shirtless man in a grass skirt explains the cooking process to a circle of curious onlookers. Wait staff and performers alike wear the traditional malo and pa’u as they interact with guests throughout the evening, leading dances and casually educating the curious on the history and culture of their beautiful island home as they all graze on the buffet. Later in the evening, after everyone is full of authentic Hawaiian food, a circle forms around the many beautiful hula dancers as they begin to move in unison. The performers tell their story in the firelight, up close, and with passion. Fire is breathed and there is a melody of gratitude sung from the ocean before the artists pull their visitors into the dance.
When using images, such as for the posters, I mainly stuck with fire dancers as the human form and fire have better odds of catching the eye of a passer-by than just about anything else. Plus, they are easily the most entertaining and dramatic element at any decent luau.
Throughout each aspect of this modern brand I try to convey a sense of excitement and of local tradition by combining the vector graphics and modern typography with Polynesian imagery and ancient Hawaiian proverbs. Natural beauty, a welcoming spirit, and the spice of movement merge here to create the perfect Aloha experience.
A’a I ka hula, waiho I ka maka’u I ka hale.
Summer Luau


Summer Luau

This fictitious client wanted insanely colorful graphics not only because that’s the only way to do it in Hawaii, but also to convey the electrif 자세히 보기


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