2022  /  Personal Project

From my terrace

This is a personal project that stems from my deep concern for the concept of work-life balance. 
We inhabit a world that rushes forward relentlessly, making it challenging to pause and find meaning in what we do and who we are. It's a world where working incessantly is often worn as a badge of honor, something we proudly recount to others. In this world, burnout is all too common and has become normalized, necessitating a fundamental shift in direction.

We are living in an age where the boundary between work and personal life has become increasingly blurred. This project captures the essence of that struggle, as seen from my own vantage point, my terrace. It is a microcosm of the broader narrative, where the hustle and bustle of work and life unfold against the backdrop of changing world.

Through my lens, I seek to explore the beauty and chaos of this intertwined existence, encouraging viewers to reflect on their own lives and consider the changes needed to achieve a healthier equilibrium.
From my terrace is not just a personal endeavor; it's an invitation to join a critical conversation about the way we live and work today, with the hope that it can spark a transformation toward greater inner peace and balance.

Exhibition: Information+ ConferenceInspace — Edinburgh — 22-24/11/2023 ✨
Photo of the exhibition, taken in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, during the Information+ Conference 
(November 22-24, 2023).
From my terrace


From my terrace
