Olga Isaevas profil

BYU I, ART 235. Seven strategies of graphi design

I have skipped one semester in BYU I and didn't do  much in Graphic design so I lost a little bit my touch. This project has helped me a lot to recall my memory Photoshop and Illustrator. 
The task was to research seven strategies: Synergy, Juxtaposition, Isolation, Metaphor, Likeness, Change the context, Material change.
Each student should choose one object and make images for each of the strategies. My object was hair. It was a very good object with great creative opportunities for  every concept.

Synergy or combination. 

Many years ago I was fond of Pink Floyd and their albume "The Dark side of the moon". This composition is inspired by this music. I've assimilated a moon, a woman, and a night sky. As final we have got a hairy lady Moon. 
"A hairy mood. A hairy moon"
Material change
In this experiment I had to replace hair with a three crown. It was rather complecated, a lot of challenges has arised. I had got a lot of questions. I consider my work isn't finished because I could work more for natural assimilation. I called this picture "A mediator".
Phisical/Shape similarity
A hairy surfing. Here we are! This image and the next one are those I've got a big struggle with, in the terms of formatting. While sketching all pics required to be horisintal, I found horisontal prototypes. But the final pic turned  to be vertical. 
Change of context
Blow out the fire!
A fancy trophy
A pigtail
Metaphor or Simile
Mom's attentive hair
BYU I, ART 235. Seven strategies of graphi design


Projekt gjort för

BYU I, ART 235. Seven strategies of graphi design
