packaging  |  Stonewall Kitchen, L.L.Bean and Williams Sonoma
 My goal with the Stonewall Kitchen packaging was to create the perfect hostess gift. A small token that you didn't have to fuss and muss with. Perfect to present in its own packaging, this line of baking mixes and vintage tins was a big hit with the customers.
The creation of the private packaging for L.L.Bean stemmed from my inside knowledge of the 100-year-old company. Targeting the heart of the L.L.Bean consumer, the heritage packaging still stands on shelfs almost a decade later.
Williams-Sonoma approached for private label packaging for their new jam line. Inspired by kitchen wallpaper from the 1920s and '30s, the botanical print was met with a warm reception by client and customer.
Gourmet Food Packaging

Gourmet Food Packaging

Private label food packaging for Stonewall Kitchen, L.L.Bean and Williams-Sonoma.
