Brand identity, illustration and packaging design for La Flower, a small coffee roaster brand in Caldas, Colombia.

“The art of coffee roasting”, was a clear concept represented by artistic, poetic and colorful visuals. I wanted a really modern packaging design, without losing the hand made aspect of it. So i decided to craft flower designs silhouettes, filled with artistic textures inspired by different art movements, that will later represent each coffee flavor for the brand. 

"Tradicional", "Moderno", and "Misterioso", 3 coffee variations. Each color scheme, brushes, and techniques for the illustration were a key factor to represent unique flavors for each product.

I also designed some badges, similar to those you will find in Coffee sacks to reinforce the idea of handmade premium coffee. Also the badges can be used as a graphic asset to enrich graphically different applications for the brand.

The main typography needed to be a little bit weathered, like hand made, specially for big tittles. For small text and body copy I really wanted a slab serif typeface, to be more oriented towards legibility, but it also reflects a poetic feeling that combined really well with the artistic imagery.

Kev Pineda 
Medellín, Colombia —2022

La Flower_Brand Identity


La Flower_Brand Identity
