Eron Ukas profil

The Albanian Samurai - Oso Kuka

Today, we will talk about Oso Kuka, the first Albanian "kamikaze." He was an Albanian military commander, hero, and early proponent of the Albanian National Awakening. Between 1835-1844, various rebellions among Albanian highlanders against the Porte led to the enforcement of local Albanian interests. Oso Kuka arrived on the battlefield where 8,000 Montenegrin soldiers had been besieging the fort of Vranina. Oso Kuka and his group defended a secondary tower in front of the main tower. He planted explosives in the tower, which he activated when the Montenegrins stormed the tower and killed hundreds of Montenegrin soldiers. In the following decades, he became a rallying figure of the Albanian Independence movement. This project contains illustrations with traditional Albanian and Japanese elements. The loyalty of the Japanese people to the Albanians is one of the reasons for this project.
ⓘ This content is not intended to incite hatred, hate speech or racism
The Albanian Samurai - Oso Kuka


The Albanian Samurai - Oso Kuka
