Profil Ali Richter

Uncertain Times, Mixed Media

Uncertain Times 
On process:
This final image was the culmination of a multi-media process. It started with ink pen on paper to create the "automatic drawing" beetle pattern lines. I then photographed the drawing and edited the image, duplicating the pattern several times, changing the sizes, and rotating each one to appear as if it fit together. Then I blended the background. And finally, I drew over the image digitally with watercolor brush layers. My process was highly experimental, getting a feel for the combination of mediums. 
Alternate takes:
On intent:

While drawing, I kept the idea of uncertainty in mind and tried to make something that reflected the concept. These were made at the start of the pandemic when that phrase was used a deafening amount in the media. 

Hearing those words again and again, it was hard not to think about my own personal uncertainty about the future but also a sort of inherent existential uncertainty we all carry around with us, regardless of the state of the world. 

As much as these are about Covid, they are deeply personal too. 

At a baseline, I hope that all of my work encourages the viewer to ask themselves, "how does this make me feel?" or "how am I reacting right now?" And it's okay to not necessarily have an answer. 

I would encourage anyone to look inside, even if it scares them. Any reaction is valid, even if it's unclear, muddled, or messy. What's important is that we start to look at all.

Uncertain Times, Mixed Media


Uncertain Times, Mixed Media
