Профиль Arina Bielievtseva

Case study focused on data for the Ukrainian Forbes


Case Study
Role: Product Analytic, Product Designer
Done: Validating hypotheses by data from Google Analytics
Forbes.Ukraine is the Ukrainian version of Forbes magazine. It is famous for its rating lists of the richest people in Ukraine, writes about success and failure stories of entrepreneurs, and new ideas for business and investment, and publishes authoritative ratings. Forbes has access to top executives, politicians, and opinion leaders and receives information from the most competent sources.
Based on SimilarWeb data*
Hypotheses #1

We should add a menu item "Startups" to increase metrics:
- Session
- Bounce Rate
- Returning Visitors
- Avg. Session Duration
Analytical mindset

First, I explored the Innovations page. As far as it is clear from the content, this page contains the most information about startups, but there are also articles on e-sports, cryptocurrencies, emergency alerts, and billionaires arriving in Kyiv. And the hypothesis is that users who are interested in startups and their development do not know where to look for information about startups in the news or even think that Forbes writes only about large corporations.
The next step was to create a segment of users who are interested in the topic of startups. That is, these are users who in their sessions visited articles in the titles of which there is the word "startup”.
After that, I investigated the anomalies over the entire period of time. 
The illustration shows an example of an anomaly. 
The next step was to research User Types (New Visitors and Returning Visitors). Here I focused on the following metrics: Users, Avg. time on Page, Bounce Rate and traffic channels.
Then I looked at which pages were visited by New Visitors and Returning Visitors
After that, I compared the two articles to how the Bounce Rate and Exit metrics differed.
After that, I compared the two articles to how the Bounce Rate and Exit metrics differed. 

All these steps proved the hypothesis that If we create a section about Startups, there will be all the proposed articles for the audience interested in startups, we will improve such metrics as: Bounce Rate, Returning Visitors, Avg.Session Duration, Session.
Hypotheses #2

Move the sharing to the bottom of the article to increase metrics:
- Source / Medium (Social media or Direct)
- New users
- Sessions
- Pageviews
The hypothesis is that users may want to share the article after reading it, so it is better to move it down. And prove it with the help of events set on the share buttons.
Hypotheses #3

Improve the subscription page to increase the number of subscriptions. To proof this hypothesis, I tracked the events related to subscriptions for a certain period of time.
The hypothesis is that users find no value in a paid subscription. To do this, I highlighted the most popular subscription, added the option to subscribe to the print version at once, and talked about all the benefits of the two types of subscriptions. 
All hypotheses were developed as part of the course, shared and presented to the Forbes team. I hope that they will be useful and find use on a real site. 
Thanks for watching!
Made with ❤️ by Arina Bielievtseva

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Case study focused on data for the Ukrainian Forbes

Case study focused on data for the Ukrainian Forbes
