Mohamed Chahins profil

Animation Exploration Dump 2023

Introducing the Default Cube
I wanted to push a designer friend of mine to post anything online since it's good to put some work out there, even if it was the default cube.
So I decided to lead by example.
Key Visuals Explorations
I worked on a few random explorations for some brands and in few of those explorations I animated them.
For this one I wanted to include some UI elements and some text so I created two quick frames with light and dark theme and then animated one of them.
Abstract Shapes Animation Loop
A quick animation loop exploration I wanted to try. Didn't come out the way I wanted to but I'm putting it there anyways.
3D cursor interaction
I wanted to create a 3D exploration of an interaction with some 2D elements involved but after the first test render I didn't work on it more.
Animation Exploration Dump 2023


Animation Exploration Dump 2023
