Biota Urbana

Deborah Ferreira, Maria Fernanda  Brandi, Marianna Fujii, Ricardo Sylos
Landscape design
Architecture Competition | Iaac
São Paulo - BR, 2022
The project consists of the site requalification located between the Anhangabaú subway station, the Bandeira terminal, and the Obelisco do Pique's monument, in São Paulo, Brazil. 

The Obelisco do Pique's monument was built in 1814 to mark the entrance of the village, which became a meeting point due to a fountain built next to it. 
The place has been used as a slave market and became a park at the beginning of the 1900s. However, due to fast urban growth, the area has become degraded and dangerous, despite the historical heritage  governmental department's efforts to preserve the area. 
The surroundings are predominantly mixed-use, with bars, hotels, residential buildings, and surrounding housing occupations. 
The best way to restructure the area and to ensure that it can reach its potential is through intervention to guarantee the neighborhood's involvement in the process of decisions and projects that can be applied to the territory by the local government.

The area requalification involves a landscape and infrastructure project that encourages people to stay longer in the region. In addition, the use of technology to monitor the area, promote education, and help generate energy.

Main principles: urban agriculture, circular economy, shorten food production and consumption,  multisensorial project design.
In order to redevelop the site and make it safer, a square with a vegetable garden and community composter was designed, for the use of the local population.

Besides that, open-air markets, lectures, and cultural events are also proposed to educate and raise the community's awareness about food, waste, and the site's historical importance.

The project design is a study case that could be repeated in other neighborhoods, creating urban agriculture and upcycling organic food chain, all over the city. 
3.Food truck/ cafes
5.Lawn area
6.Deck terrace
7.Open-air market
8.Bird conde
10.Hammock area 
11.Designed area for the usage of existing bars and restaurants 
12.Benches over stairs
Biota Urbana