Brighto TikTok & Reel Templates
Brighto TikTok & Reel Templates bundle for growing your email list and website audience with Pinterest. Featuring 20 blog post variations, this pack is perfect for bloggers, coaches and course creators who want to promote their content with TikTok & Reels and increase their traffic. Bundle features multiple blog post and promo graphic variations to help you keep on top of the latest social media trends.

The TikTok & Reel templates measure 1080 x 1920 px, which is the recommended size for uploading images to TikTok & Reels.

Because of the vertical layouts, these TikTok & Reel templates also work really well as Pinterest templates or on blogs. Great for re-using your content and spreading the word around your photography!
Brighto TikTok & Reel Templates
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Brighto TikTok & Reel Templates

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