Profil von Mohamed Sherif

Mashariq Brand Identity

Brand identity - Real Estate
Mashariq - August 2022

Al-Mashareq is a real estate company established in 1992 that serves all aspects of real estate such as construction, consulting, marketing, and other fields that greatly benefit the field.

Its goal is to connect small emerging companies to the highest possible position, as it supports them in all the fields we mentioned earlier.

Concept ___

the logo was based on two components, each with a clear goal that achieves the purpose and goal of the company which is stability and growth, and these guarantees that small businesses will start from scratch with the company until then.

The Stairs here suggest many meanings, including that our company is the first step that any client must take because we start with him from the beginning and help him in all possible directions to reach his company to the top of its success, Besides we are taking with him step by step in building his company, and it is one of the most important reasons for the success of companies to be supported by someone who has experience in our field like us.

A Pile Cap is a thick concrete mat resting on concrete or wooden piles that has been pushed into smooth or unstable ground to provide a suitable stable foundation and this confirms the idea of stability.
It usually forms part of a building's deep foundation, usually a multi-storey building, structure or support base for heavy equipment, or a bridge, The cast concrete cover distributes the load of the building on the piles.

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Mashariq Brand Identity


Mashariq Brand Identity

Al-Mashareq is a real estate company established in 1992 that serves all aspects of real estate such as construction, consulting, marketing, and Mehr anzeigen
