K Hs profil

Closer look at yourself

Closer look at yourself
The purpose of the assignment was to have a good closer look at yourself and find out who you are. The outcome had to be incorporated in a design. 

For this project I used dried roses which I have sprayed into a coral hue with graffiti. In this way two layers were created: the fragile roses covered by a firmer liquid layer. These layers and the hue reflect my personality. From the outside, according to many people, I'm young, sparkling and show self confidence, but from inside I sometimes feel very shy. 

On the poster, two rose buds are enlarged. The closed rose bud represents my closed and shy side and the open rose bud represents my spontaneous and open side. 

Thank you very much for your attention!
Closer look at yourself

Closer look at yourself

Closer look at yourself
