Brand Identity | App Design | Web Design

Our visual identity work for Pliability involved rebranding Romwod, a Crossfit-centric fitness app. Pliability wanted to serve a wider functional fitness audience interested in improving their flexibility. We delivered visually striking creative with sleek and modern branding across app, web, and a full suite of marketing assets.

© 2022 Deceptive LLC

The Concept​​​​​​​
Twist. Bend. Flex. The visual mark with a distinct ‘P’ in upward motion is a symbol of Pliability’s emphasis on flexibility and movement.
Photography / Mood
Movement is captured in-camera and enhanced via CGI, leading to unique and dynamic imagery that feels halfway between still and motion.
Workout Mats
Using a designated software and custom font, we created generative art based on the geometric shapes used across the branding, or based on solely the visual mark. At a distance the eyes can grasp the image / text, up close it turns into abstract patterns, that can take a beating without the entire visual tanking.
Marketing Assets
We delivered visually striking creative with sleek and modern branding across a full suite of marketing assets.


