Series of panels depicting personal short story by the artist
All panels are 6" x 12" and digitally painted
"She sat at the dinner table, chomping away at what I had just prepared.  Mama has been eating everything in front of her eyes lately.  It only took her seconds to devour it, along with my feelings."
'“Have you heard about Louise, I just can’t believe it.'
'I know it’s incredible, how could she have let that happen?”'
"I hesitated for a minute, until I found the courage to tip toe up the stairs.  When I got there I hid in the linen closet, now only feet away from the screams."
"As she cradled the baby she whispered to me, 'I bet you can’t wait to be a mother like me one day.  It’s important you do so to keep the family going, it’s your responsibility.'
My face turned from horror to disappointment.  All I could muster out to her was 'NEVER.”'
Never Ever
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Never Ever

Series of panels dipicting personal short story by the artist All panels are 6" x 12" and digitally painted

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