Ana Arbelaez's profile

What can a wall be? Palacio de la cultura

What can a wall be?
Aerial view 
Throughout the XX century, Medellín’s town center – El Centro – experienced a demolition phenomenon sustained by the idea of progress. As a result, it does not recall a specific period, unlike other cities. In the midst of this, we found the palace of culture, a building that, despite having survived the progress quota, its surroundings did not. The creation of a new square in the middle of a block uncovered what the constructions were holding: an incomplete building expressed through a faceless façade. This is the starting point for defining design explorations to What can a wall be? a research made in the field of adaptive reuse, using the façade as the central element to develop a new spatiality.
Program and interior spaces
The intervention should go beyond the facade into the building; one of the aims was always to enhance the relation between interior-exterior. How create balance in a non completed building? Based on the building analysis, the L-Volume was always the option for this aspect. The dome has great architectural value. Therefore it would not make sense to approach this volume. On the contrary, the other side has the potential to host the interior intervention. For the program, it was decided to reinforce one of the existing uses: The regional archive; the central concept was to break the current spatial distribution and add characteristics according to the spaces. Therefore, the access would be on the ground floor, and the first floor joined in a double-height. This area becomes an internal public space and access from the square; it could host an interior exhibition space, a coffee, and an information point.
What can a wall be? Palacio de la cultura


What can a wall be? Palacio de la cultura
