Profil von Sandra Jorge Stanley

Campaign Posters & Advertising

Fashion campaign
My first campaign is a ficticious campaign for NO SWEAT, a not-for-profit organisation - "No Sweat exists to fight against sweatshop exploitation. We organise solidarity for sweatshop workers from the UK to the four corners of the world. We stand for workers' self-organisation, international solidarity and for the right to organise in every workplace."

The aim of this campaign is to bring awareness of poor working conditions and development issues faced by many workers in some parts of the world. I wanted to get the attention of the viewer by, at first glance, give them an attractive, 'normal' fashion poster but then engage them further via the details in the garment image and the slogan.

The following are the images I have used in the fashion garments and the message used on each poster.
Further down you will see how I used them on my campaign posters.

And here are the posters I designed, where I replaced the original pattern of the fashion garment with the images shown above, using Photoshop's displacement maps. (Apologies for lack of photograph credits on original fashion images)

I also designed a campaign for the new '[R]EVOLUTION trainers', aimed at young, active people with a forward thinking spirit.
I have aimed to keep these designs bright, clean, simple and dynamic.
Russian Constructivist Propaganda inspired design.
Evolution of Man (and their symbolic tools) inspired design.
Campaign Posters & Advertising

Campaign Posters & Advertising

A series of poster adverts, implicit and explicit, based on a guerrilla marketing campaign and/or a trainer shoe campaign.
