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How to write a bibliography for Assignment?

How to Write a Bibliography for Assignments?
Whether it is an assignment, research paper, or an entire book, writing a bibliography is extremely important, as it is the citation of all the sources you referred to while writing your document. 

These sources could be in two forms: one is the physical sources like books, magazines, etc; another is the online sources you referred to or search online to take help from. 

Things to Keep in Mind While Writing a Bibliography for Assignment

1. The author of the work must be credited by using his/her full name.
2. The title should be mentioned in its entirety if you are mentioning a book having so             many volumes or parts, in this case, mentioning the particular volume you referred to.
3. Location, date, and publication company.
4. Mention the name of the publishing company.
5. The border of the page.

Now that you know all the things that have to be kept in mind while writing a bibliography, let us move toward how to write a bibliography.

A bibliography is a list of books and websites used by a person while making his/her assignment or writing any informational document. Information collected by a writer or author of a particular writing the sources of the information has to be mentioned in the last of the document. 

These mentions will help your reader to reach the same sources used by you, and in case they want to read all those resources they can read them too. Bibliography also makes your document more familiar to readers because this allows readers to connect your writing with many other writers. 

A bibliography can reduce the chances of plagiarism if you mention all the resources you referred to while writing any piece of a document.

The Checklists to Write a Bibliography For Assignment

There are basically two ways or styles of writing a bibliography: MLA and APA styles.
1. Choose your sources.
2. Analyze every source.
3. Place of the information, like websites or books.
4. Name of the author.
5. Title of the publication.
6. Date of publication.
7. Place of publication.
8. The publishing company or publisher who published the book.
9. The volume or part number of a book.
10. Lastly, Mention the page number of the paragraph number on the page.

Key Take Away from the Blog

Writing a bibliography is not an easy task to do. All the sources mentioned in the bibliography should be valid sources and at least three in number. There is a pattern that has to be followed by a writer who is writing a bibliography. 

We have mentioned a step-by-step guide to writing a bibliography with all the important information that has to be part of the bibliography. One can conclude this article by stating that a bibliography may be hard to write but it provides guidance to the reader and helps them in finding the resources you used. 

It also makes your piece of writing more valid and legal by showing more legal works in the bibliography and building a connection of your writing with the readers.
How to write a bibliography for Assignment?
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How to write a bibliography for Assignment?

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