Alunir Auro – Journey to the moon in year 2025
We find ourselves in the year 2025. The energy crisis is solved, due to an alternative energy source called "Helium 3". It is an isotope of the well known Helium and appears on the moon in large quantity. There the extraction of Helium 3 is initiated. The developed infrastructure on the moon plus the transportation between moon and earth via space elevator reduces the travel time to 5 hours.

Such a time-saving and secure connecting path offers vision to send passengers to the moon. The idea of moon tourism is close and in realization. Therefore a hotel on the moon is needed. But it is for sure no normal hotel with static rooms and suites.

The philosophy of the hotel company is to cultivate motion, live determination, realize visions and give security.

The guests have their own mobile capsule housing, called "Auro" which is a short form for "agile utility residence object". Connected to the hotel basis it will be provided with fresh air, water and energy. In mobile condition the "Auro" will draw its power for a few hours from a storage and oxygen and water from the correspondent tanks.

In this case the passenger is part of a big project. Either he connects with the basis and other passengers or he takes time for himself, discovering the pure and calm surface of the moon. Realizing dimensions, beauty, the importance of technology and savour the deceleration, especially needed in the full grown digital and fast moving life down on earth.

The journey to the moon is not only an adventure it is also the idea of ease.
Generative logo design – every moon guest will receive his or her own individual logo.
The composition depends on the geographic coordinates of his or her home town (length of the circle segment) as well as the date of the day they landed on the moon (line width; inner circle segment 1-31 for day, outer circle segment 1-12 for month).

One has to take into consideration that the north and south coordinates range to 90° and the east and west coordinates range to 180°. Those values have to be converted depending on a full circle of 360°.
This slogan is a trinity or triad and indicates an evolution of the journey to the moon.
It's the moon which fascinates men since thousands of years. Our ancestors were the ones who wanted to find out more, to learn and to gain knowledge. Then there was the wish and idea of reaching this bright fellow once. The adventure began and the first steps on moon are history now. The hotel makes it possible to combine both: moon and adventure.
The slogan can be modified when used in different media. An example is the invitation shown above.
Every moon guest will recieve an individual ring. It is more than just a welcome gift. It works as a key and allows the excess to areas during the moon journey and the gesture controlled "Auro"-capsule. An integrated comupter chip is read by different systems of the hotel basis etc. Furthermore this ring checks the vital parameters of its owner and ensures the safety of the passenger during the whole journey.
Alunir Auro

Alunir Auro

"Alunir Auro" is the title of my Bachelor Thesis. I worked on a ficitonal future szenario. In year 2025 menkind travels to the moon. I developed Leggi di più
