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Orisaw As We Know It: Hrívatn


The Northern realms of Hrívatn have been a perilous place for centuries. The land was engulfed in a war between the fearsome Orc tribes and the Vikun, humans who love nothing more than waging wars and raiding far off lands. Due to the destabilisation in the country, there was no one ruler, but many Vikun Jarls ruling the coasts and Orc Chieftains ruling inland. This was until all Jarls and Chieftains gathered for a feast. The feast allowed all the rulers to work out their differences and finally put an end to the war. This feast became a historical event known as the Unification Feast.

With the Orcs and Vikuns now living in relative peace, many of the tribes and towns banded together to share resources and expertise. This seemed easier than expected due to Orc and Vikun culture being very similar. Both cultures love drinking, fighting, and believe that dying on the battlefield will grant them access to a great hall where they can feast and drink for eternity. To Orcs, it was known as Marlos. To Vikun, it was known as Vinhalla. The similarities in their beliefs did not stop there. They both believed in many gods, all of which had the same wants and desires as man and orc. They both made sacrifices and performed rituals for their gods. They both even had seers and witches that aided their leaders. Their cultures blended well together and has made Hrívatn stronger.

Hrívatn has always been well known for their ship building expertise and begun to use their ships to transport goods across the seas for other kingdoms. This has built relations with most countries, creating especially close ties with the kingdom of Moritha for their trading ports, bringing prosperity to both kingdoms.

I found myself in the largest coastal city of Hrívatn called Lundarbrekka, where I had the pleasure of meeting Jarl Gorm and Chief Gruk, the leaders of the town and owners of the most transport ships in Hrívatn. They let me stay in their great hall where we drunk mead and grog until the sunrise. Jarl Gorm regaled us with stories of past battles and interesting tales of how Lundarbrekka came to be. A while later, Chief Gruk announced plans for future expansion of their trade routes with hopes to contact the kingdom of Baruset. Due to their brutal cultures, finding common ground may be easy, but trusting Baruset and their monarchy is not necessarily wise.

~ excerpt from 'Orisaw As We Know It' by Magister Orelius Stor
Orisaw As We Know It: Hrívatn


Orisaw As We Know It: Hrívatn


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