Illustration that I made in contribution to the Presidential Campaign of Luiz Inácio LULA da Silva!
On the Panel: Bolsonaro Government = Scum of History.
The "erotic bottle" in the image is the product of Jair Bolsonaro's insane campaign in 2018. A pathetic symbol, which well represents the stupidity that the Brazilian Government has been in recent years (2019-2023); attributing to opponents the creation of a depraved baby bottle for kids, among other fake nonsense that spread on the networks -- and, unfortunately, bought several voters.
But that will change.​​​​​​​ ; )
We are living in decisive moments in Brazil, just a week away from the great decision of the Elections. I hope that Democracy overcomes this "Kid" Fascism of the current Government, and Brazil can return to normality again!
Official Logo of the Lula / Alckmin Plate. 
Thanks for your attention​​​​​​​!
: )
LULA 13 !


LULA 13 !
