Albert Co's profile

Disney Pixar Characters Costume Composites
Toy Story RC's Race
This was an unusual project I worked on a couple of years back (2012).  Disney's consumer products department was coming out with the Toy Story RC's Race toy line.  I was contracted to re-create the RC costume designs and composite it onto Pixar's existing character renderings.

Disney provided the original render of the lovable Toy Story characters, including pencils concept overlays.  Here are the tasks:  Jessie needed to be removed from the image, Buzz needed color alteration and an added chest buckle, and Woody required a complete wardrobe change. 

At the time, all three characters were provided on a single layer and it was necessary to mask out Jessie's arm and hand then re-build what's underneath.

I replaced the blue and green button with the clone red button, 3D built and rendered the simple visor hinge, freehand photoshopped the rest of the bodysuit, then built and added the number 4 chest buckle. 

Final retouched area.  I had to do the same with Woody's head without the hat.
Now onto building Woody's props from provided references (not shown).
A simple body rig was required so I can manipulate the limbs to match the original Woody's pose.
Matching and aligning costume elements to the original image.  Next to match the lighting condition for render.
Here is the orignal again.
Final Composite Render

Here is Rex's character with the same process.  Only need to build the helmet and gloves.
Matching position of the original image.
Final Composite Render


Toy Story Aqua Adventure
There were quite a few props built for this project and it was a bit more complex then RC's Racer.

Need to remove the majority of Jessie's torso from the original render.  It turned out I only retain her hands and head plus ponytail in the composite.

Here is some of the aqua gear that was created.
Final Composite Render
Final Composite Renders
Things gets a bit complicated with Rex.
Rebuilding all props from provided orthographic views of 3D CAD toy models for better accuracy.  

After matching the aqua gear to the original render plate, I had to build a proxy model of Rex so I could get the cast shadow to project and deform correctly over its body. 
Final Composite Render
Final Composite Render
Props build for Buzz.

Provided Original Image
Probably the most difficult part here was cleaning up and repainting the transparent doom visor area after removing the original winged backpack.
Final Render Composite
Woody and Buzz
Final Composite Render
Hamm (project cover icon) was the simplest of the group.  Just have an eye patch for him with pirate hat.
Disney Pixar Characters Costume Composites

Disney Pixar Characters Costume Composites

3D model composite on original renders.
