nˇ hoˇ zang loiˇ liau 「你好,佳來寮」|展覽設計

nˇ hoˇ zang loiˇ liau :
The Special Exhibition for Smile Agritourism



Located on the coast of the western middle section of Pingtung County, Taiwan, Jiadong Township is considered to be one of the areas with the most serious strata subsidence along the coast. In the seemingly static farmland, sweet-smelling lotus mist and melons have been nurtured, and the most intact ancient houses have been preserved. In this project, we would like to introduce the beauty of Jia Dong to everyone.

" loiˇ liau " in Hakka language means visiting, coming to play and greeting. We want to echo the spirit of Jiadong's local Hakka culture and the characteristics of the coastal townships through the use of greetings. We would like to invite everyone to walk into the sea town and agricultural affairs of the farmers and the land and to understand another style of Jiadong. 

【01|佳載土地美好 Beautiful Land】

From culture to customs, the illustrations in the car windows give you a glimpse of Jiadong.

【02|時有佳物 Best Feature】

In the form of information graphics, the four important aspects of lotus mist, watermelon, fishery farming and Hakka monuments are introduced to the audience.

【03|佳冬商號 Select Shop】

We selected the famous agricultural products from all over the world and let you see them all at once in the Jia Dong shop.​​​​​​​

Present By 与熊設計 Ideoso Design

Art Director:朱湘怡 Joy Chu
Project Manager:林辰信 Alex Lin
主視覺設計 KeyVisual Design:溫琇晴 Laura Wen
展場設計 Exhibition Design: 林辰信 Alex Lin溫琇晴 Laura Wen
文創商品設計 Creative & Cultural Products Design:邱建勛 Gamma Chiu
巴士與延伸設計 Bus and Extended Design:李千玉 Mabel Lee

nˇ hoˇ zang loiˇ liau 「你好,佳來寮」|展覽設計