This project is a critique towards the world, an homage to the best innovation humankind ever created, and a reflection of our current lives.

0o% (zero, o, percentage) or as we call it, OZO is a religion, it’s the supreme being, it’s a belief, it’s a lifestyle and there’s no way of escaping it. OZO addresses the idea that the supreme being can be in any form, not necessarily something supernatural or natural, but something invented by humans themselves. We were inspired by the coding algorithm in our way of designing outputs, including the name and the branding of OZO.

0 represent the supreme being, OZO,
‘o’ represents the portal or the path as the entryway to OZO,
% represents us, the humans.

0o% is always watching.
0 - PT Mono, o - Times, % - Helvetica
promotional flyers
Otis MFA Art Book Fair 2022 Workshop Booth


