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Handmade Tales - Cats

Handmade Tales
by Antonello Tosto 
Body painting by Mariapia Di Lecce

Ho realizzato il body painting ed il lettering per il progetto "Handmade Tales", capitolo "Cats".

Il divertente incontro, raccontato in musica, di due gatti che danzano sui tasti di un pianoforte.

«Every sound, if there is a human being who listens to it, becomes music and every movement, if there is a human being who perceives it, becomes dance. 

This work stems from the deep awareness that music and dance are inextricably linked. They are a continuum: one is a different manifestation of the other. 

Anyone who dances (be it a tap dancer, an Indian Bharatanatyam dancer, a classical European ballet dancer) produces music with his movements. In turn, anyone who plays music (be it a percussionist, a flutist, a singer or, as in this case, a pianist) dances with his body or part of it. 

In this series of works called “Handmade Tales” I try to enhance this natural link between dance and music: 
My hands represent two characters who tell short stories. They tell them by interpreting a choreography. The stage on which all this happens is a keyboard. They dance and naturally produce music. The result for the user is not very different from what he can observe and listen to during any dance and music show. There is, however, a fundamental difference: the natural choreography that describes this music and the natural music that describes this choreography could not be different from what they are, because they are exactly the same thing, one generates the other. 

The skilled hands of Mariapia Di Lecce painted my hands making you forget that they are hands and making them look like something else.»

Antonello Tosto

Handmade Tales - Cats

Handmade Tales - Cats
