The final piece, After doing the actual drawing of the lines i did a rough painting of the colors of the hair and body.
the last element sI did were the clothes and leaves that made up her clothes. The vines and background plants were overlayed as separate layers last. This was a 5 layer piece.
after the lines layer and the painted body/hair layers are merged. I painted more layers over her skin to make the leave clothing. Using different color,size and  opacities  & rotating the leave paintbrush in photoshop. I also played around with the scattering. . The vines are also premade brushes. There are many great brushes out there,in Photoshopand I love making my own  custom brushes, they are endless,in helping making interesting art.
Here is the rough paint job painted in photoshop with different size and textured brushes. I used a few layers, one for manin areas of clolr in body . On elayer for main body of hair layer. And two layers for smaller highlights in the hair and body,  I adjusted opacitys,and blurred the highlight layers accordingly,until I was happy with the look. I imported into Adobe illustrator after the whole paint layer and drew the eyes and eye brows and nose line and body contours over the painting, I then went back into photoshop and overlayed the two layers the paint,and the line work seen below.
This is the basic underlying  contour drawing I did in Adobe Illustrator to overlay with the Photoshop paint layer.
Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

This is the Batman villainess charcater Poison Ivy. I included the stages of the process of this piece,
