Anastasiya Kraynyuks profil


Dreams during the war

Illustrative part of the project about collective unconscious, namely about what people dream after and on the eve of February 24

I dream that I have earth in my mouth that prevents me from speaking and breathing. I try to somehow get it out or spit it out, but it keeps getting more and more. And there is no one and nothing around, only black earth
Putin flows

I had a dream that micro-Putin flows from the tap in my kitchen and i have to catch him in a bottle, otherwise he ll start another war
Get out!

I dreamed that I was in some village, fires and explosions were everywhere. People around do not seem scared, but rather annoyed. I'm really scared. There are no relatives of mine nearby, but I meet many acquaintances who are not welcome to me. I run into houses, try to hide somewhere or find relatives, but they kick me out from everywhere and do not want to contact me

I dreamed that I came to my brother's apartment, and there was a coffin in it. I ask in fright "what is this?" and he answered me, “But didn’t this happen to you? Now it's coming to everyone

When it all started, I dreamed of a grandmother who died more than 25 years ago.
We are in some kind of gym, silence, but in the distance we can hear the rumble of approaching planes. And such horror pierces me that everything has begun
We'll figure it out

The cops came to the house. I don't remember what they've asked, but they wanted characteristics. That different people could confirm I m a decent person. For some reason, at that moment, a friend from one fund came into the apartment. I, says he, can confirm her decency. And he adds in a whisper, "but I’m a foreign agent, is this suitable?”. And the cop is all round like a bun. Smiling kindly, clapping me on the shoulder. Don't worry, he says, we'll figure it out

I dreamed that black smoke was pouring from a neighbor's house right into my closed kitchen window, remaining soot on the window. I try to wash it, but the soot sticks to the wet glass even more. I get all dirty and very anxious that there's no way to clean it, and I only make it worse

I dream very often of an elevator that moves strangely. I call him to the 6th floor, and he starts to move up, sideways, down uncontrollably, or his walls and ceiling fall off, and I understand that he is taking me somewhere where I will definitely die
Like everyone else

I dreamed that people covered their skin with something and they were happy. Either to the fact that they are now like everyone else, or to the fact that they now seem to be not so sensitive. I hide and think how to avoid it

On February 24, I dreamed that a little girl in a white dress was running along the roofs of high-rise buildings, running away from an armed man with a bow and arrows. The atmosphere is terrible, I look at it from the side. Then the girl runs to the edge of the roof and this man hits her with an arrow right in the heart. She falls and at that moment I become this girl. At 5:08 in the morning, I wake up from explosions
Stop the war.


