Perfil de Kaylee Harwood

Creative Book Covers

Creative Book Covers
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | Creative Book Covers
October 2021

These are two book covers conveying modern interpretations of classic book covers.
The book covers are used as a way to spark interest in and communicate something about the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland story in unique ways. 

Design Specifications included 5.5 x 8.5 inches, full title, and author's full name

This book is about a girl named Alice who falls asleep and has the most bizarre adventures while in her sleep. All the creatures and different things she finds are very peculiar and full of whimsical life

I wanted to show the sense of sophistication that seems to be the goal to some characters and the world that Alice actually lives in. I also wanted to show the sense of childlike action on one cover to capture how it really all is in the child’s head.
Cover 01: Type Only (using only typography to create the book cover concept)

The typographic book cover uses only typographic elements to communicate the sophisticated old world that Alice comes from using the blue and yellow color choice with the serif font. 

The O in wonderland is a pocket watch made only from typographic elements. The pocket watch refers to the white rabbit’s watch when he is running late. This simple design is meant to resemble a small opening look into the world in Alice’s head, quite different and peculiar compared to her outside world.
Cover 02: Physical (constructing the cover from physical pieces/collage and photograph or scan the final art. The final piece looks as though it was created physically.)

The physical book cover is originally a picture of an actual playing card I wrote the title and author on. I had to make adjustments so it fits the dimensions of the book cover. 

I wanted this cover to convey a sense of childhood, because Alice is a character with a lot of imagination. 
I wanted to communicate that she is just a kid with an entire world in her head. I changed the heart in the center of the card to a mushroom that has a tiny bite taken out of the side. This refers the part in the story where Alice ate a piece of the mushroom to change size. 

The cover shows things that Alice has taken action with: eating the mushroom, and possibly writing the title. The card itself also refers to the queen’s card-men late in the story.

Thank you for taking a moment to view this project! This was a very fun project to work on. It stretched my understanding of typography and communicating ideas in graphic design.
Creative Book Covers

Creative Book Covers



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