Profil von Hannah Garlick

"Harmony Hall"- Secret 7

CD/Record cover designed to represent the song
"Harmony Hall" by Vampire Weekend. 

There is a certain ambiguity when first listening to this
song so is very open for interpretation. 

I interpreted it as being a metaphor for the Stonewall Riots (or Stonewall Uprising) that happened in 1969 in New York City in response to the police raiding the Stonewall Inn- a gay club in the Greenwich area of the city.
The abstract structure of this design represents the map view of the area
in which the riots took place. 

The colours are inspired by the pride flag which is masked onto where all of the buildings in the area sit. The streets between the buildings feature torn-up articles about the riots to represent the chaos and destruction that was caused.

The circle cut out highlights where the Stonewall Inn sits on the map,
a circle being chosen to represent this as it highlights the unity and
the togetherness of the LGBTQ+ community.
"Harmony Hall"- Secret 7

"Harmony Hall"- Secret 7
