Profil appartenant à Imocean Author

Colorful Multiscreen Slideshow

After EffectsPremiere Pro versions are available. 

This Bright Slideshow for showcase your portfolio, images or videos. Create your vivid slideshow, opener, intro, corporate and business presentation, demonstrate favorite photos or any work, experience and opportunities with multiscreen way.

An abstract design with liquid background animation will attracted and keep the attention of your audience.

The project has flexible and extensive customization options. Change texts, colors and line thickness. Customize the template to your liking or just keep the existing one by adding content and changing the text.

Project Features:
◖ FULL HD (1920×1080) | 30 fps
◖ Multi-purpose
◖ 11 scenes
◖ 27 media placeholders
◖ 11 text placeholders
◖ Very easy to edit
◖ Editable background animation (colors, opacity, intensity)
◖ Easy set up even for After Effects beginners​​​​​​​
◖ Detailed Help file is included

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Colorful Multiscreen Slideshow
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Colorful Multiscreen Slideshow

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