Henkilön Steven Moremen profiili

Samael the Seventh Son

Samael the Seventh Son is, as his title explains, a "seventh son of a seventh son"... Thus bearing a curse which has made them less of a human and more of a beast since birth. They stand at roughly eight to nine feet tall, their muscle mass becoming more prominent when put into a rage state. Their hair is red, but due to a lack of hygene, has gone black with filth and dirt. Samael is more or less a manchild with the capabilities of a demon. While he is intelligent, he loses all forms of caution when angered enough, leading to incidents he greatly regrets.

Samael was once a cause of celebration for his parents, wealthy monopolists who had close ties to the monarchy... However, the moment he was born, it became apparent they had created a monster, as Samael clawed his way out of his mother through her mouth, killing her in the proccess. His father, still loving the idea of his son, but not what became of them, couldn't find the heart to kill the boy, and instead kept him locked in the wine cellar. Life would continue on for Samael, who would be relentlessly tormented by his siblings, until the murder of his pet rat caused the boy to enter a fit of rage, killing a majority of his family and burning down his fathers estate... He wanders now, attempting to find the life that he was never given, attempting to see if he is a monster or hero.

Samael's piercing eyes is something I wanted to put a lot of emphasis on for this character. Despite being beady dots or slants, I feel as though it captures their emotions quite well. As a character with plenty of anxt and angering regrets, their posture is always stiff and in anticipation of ambush. The more angry they get, the more primal, until becoming nothing more than a raving mad dog. 
Samael the Seventh Son

Samael the Seventh Son


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