Profilo di Carlos Viloria

Portrait Frame Mockup – 30x40 cm

Portrait Frame Mockup for 30×40 cm image size. Multi-color frames and textures, along with passepartout options, are all features I’m paying attention to. You can use it on a website, blog, or print store to display framed photos, illustrations, digital artwork. 

Check out for more mockups
If you want an easy edition, place your images inside the main smart object marked with purple. This mockup has some features like separated shadows, brightness, and a background texture and color customizable.
There are four predefined colors for the passepartout and nine types of frame.
You can customize the passepartout according to the size of your photo. It has four predefined passpartout sizes, or you can display 30x40 cm photos without passpartout – Ratio 3x4.
The mockup can be found at
Portrait Frame Mockup – 30x40 cm

Portrait Frame Mockup – 30x40 cm
