This project brings a lot of challenges and obstacles almost in each stage. The most challenge for me was interpreting insight and findings in the research stage because what people thought and what they say and also the way when they gave me answers to the questions were in some cases a bit contradictive. I learned that follow-up questions are so important to get true answers from some participants. The second challenge was usability testing as well as organization of the whole research. I learned that is better to organize a test with a bit more people to avoid canceling sessions at the last minute.
This is not the end of the project. The project is planned to be developed in the next 7-8 Weeks. The process of creating two more features with usability testing will also be planned for the next 4 Weeks.
Thank you for reading the case study of Deepblue!
Projekt maded by Vedrana Elmazi
Projekt maded by Vedrana Elmazi

