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Rehale: Refill not landfill

Rehale: Refill not landfill
Refillable, reusable asthma inhaler
300 million inhalers go to landfill each year. Rehale is aimed to reduce the amount of medical watse which goes to landfill each year. 

The inhaler is a reuseable asthma inhaler made from durable materials in order to make its lifespan around 5 years. It is designed to be used by the same user, with the intention that when they require a 'refill' they go to their local pharmacy as normal, and the staff in the pharmacy refill the inhaler using a specially adapted divers bottle and filling valve. A metered filling valve is attached to the divers bottle, which is used to charge the inhaler evenly with propellant gas and medicine. 

Rehale: Refill not landfill

Rehale: Refill not landfill

Rehale: Refill not Landfill A refillable asthma inhaler
