Profil appartenant à Scimedico LLC

Scimedico Decontamination Solutions

Medical equipment company Scimedico LLC specializes in temporary laboratory environments and protective equipment. Scimedico LLC also provides decontamination services and protocols to help keep personnel safe in clinical laboratories.

Scimedico uses an integrated approach to begin and maintain lab decontamination procedures. The company utilizes a preventive maintenance approach, which provides labs with protective equipment and on-site assessments on a bi-annual, annual, or quarterly basis. These inspections include testing HVAC systems, plumbing, and other utilities. Scimedico creates digital documentation for each lab with before-and-after photos, followed by a final report to help labs improve their practices.

Scimedico provides safety monitoring systems that assess temperature and fumes and track specimens. The company also provides equipment and surface decontamination services, as well as deep cleaning of entire labs. Scimedico can also offer emergency decontamination services if a lab has an accidental exposure in which personnel encounter hazardous substances.

Labs also have the option of performing their own in-house cleaning using the Scimedico preventive maintenance kit. This contains various cleaning agents and instructions, with 24/7 online training and support.

Scimedico Decontamination Solutions
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Scimedico Decontamination Solutions

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