Up to now the medical world was focused on obtaining an effect through medication and interventions. What if there is a natural way to heal our bodies from within, in a non-invasive way?

Reyu is a treatment that taps into our natural body flows, like the nervous and vascular system, using proven biofeedback loop technology. Reyu restores the functions in your body affected by ageing. Permanently.

Dr. Karavani is an authority in skin care world wide. As the owner of an esthetic clinic he witnessed how people got affected by beauty treatments in the long term. Therefore he started working on a technology that could prevent ageing effects in a natural way. He needed a branding agency to help him launch this new innovation. He asked Boil to help build this new brand from scratch and prepare an international go-to-market plan for B2B and B2C.
We created the name REYU wich reflects the value proposition. It’s you, a bit younger. We pronounce it  ‘Re You”. The reversed E stands for the rejuvenation process itself.
Instead of creating another beauty brand we decided to build a movement: the natural revolution. In this brand story we take people on a journey how to take care of yourself in a natural way. Therefore we created a visual style that embraces natural elements and icons. Based in this styleguide we created a website, POS materials, book covers etc.
Reyu Case